"'Get Back In Your Book' by Lissy Laricchia, is series of photos where different fairy tale characters getting sucked into their respective titles."
from tomorrow and today.
These are really beautifully surreal. As usual I am really interested in shoots where the model is not personally focused on; she is an actress, slightly anonymized. Books always attract me as subject matter/symbols. The look of these is believably traditional for the most part - if they are digitaly edited, I am not distracted by it [other than in the following photograph, the fairy is a bit much].

The rest of her work [on flickr] has a similar feel. It is kind of on the border between beautiful and cheesy - a line that I am always worried about in my own art, but also a really good place for art to be. I admire the directness of her work in this regard. Her photos are also well balanced between traditional and digital. Even where the editing is apparent, it is not overwhelming. Something about the textures and colors feels like film. I wouldn't be surprised if these were edited from scanned negatives.
The hand-crafted parts of this work are a really nice touch, especially the stars in the last image.

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